Session start: true, id=37aa5e564315939914e5c6fb0e53b1ae
Do You Own A Business?
Spend a few minutes letting us know about your business and we'll get to work. Tap 'Get Started' and our wizard will guide you through filling out a few online forms.
Once we have this information, we find and, after getting your approval, submit the right forms to qualify you for government credits. The money you receive will be grants, not loans.
This always means more money for your business since we defer the due date on our invoices until after your funds are received. Still have questions? Check out How It Works.
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Do You Know Business Owners?
Help us spread the word and share in the money! Sign on as an affiliate, and we'll provide you links that can be used in emails and/or texts.
If a business owner follows one of your links (or lists you as a reference) and the business gets money, you'll earn a commission.
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